
I’m JP Toto, an infrastructure software developer and occasional speaker. I work at HashiCorp, an awesome infrastructure and security company based out of San Francisco. I help automate our infrastructure and keep the trains running on time.

Working at HashiCorp keeps me pretty busy and has given me the opportunity to explore a lot of modern API implementations, security, and infrastructure automation.

I’m a big fan of open source and try to contribute to projects as much as possible – which is never often enough. There are some projects I work on from time to time which you can read more about here.

At a previous position, with Wildbit, we were faced with a challenge when deciding how to store email messages sent through the Postmark application. Ultimately we decided to use Elasticsearch for most of our storage and index/search needs. Consequently I’ve developed some expertise which I’m hoping to pass on to others by way of this blog and several courses I authored at at Pluralsight.

If you’d like, you can connect with me on Linked In, Twitter, Github, or Stack Overflow. You can also email me directly:  jp at jptoto.jp.

– JP